Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 2, 2013

Sáng tối

Vì chính vua Hêrôđê đã sai bắt Gioan và giam ông trong ngục, nguyên do tại Hêrôđia, vợ của Philipphê anh vua mà vua đã cưới lấy. Vì Gioan đã bảo Hêrôđê: "Nhà vua không được phép chiếm lấy vợ anh mình". (Mc 6,17-18)

Light in the Darkness
We walk in a "ravine as dark as death" (Psalm 23:4), and still we have nothing to fear because God is at our side: God's staff and crook are there to soothe us (see Psalm 23:4). This is not just a consoling idea. It is an experience of the heart that we can trust.

Our lives are full of suffering, pain, disillusions, losses and grief, but they are also marked by visions of the coming of the Son of Man "like lightning striking in the east and flashing far into west" (Matthew 24:27). These moments in which we see clearly, hear loudly, and feel deeply that God is with us on the journey make us shine as a light into the darkness.

Jesus says, "You are the light of the world. Your light must shine in people's sight, so that, seeing your good works, they may give praise to your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:14-16).

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