Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 8, 2012

Thấy & Gọi

Đức Giêsu thấy ông Nathanaen tiến về phía mình, liền nói về ông rằng: "Đây đích thật là một người Ítraen, lòng dạ không có gì gian dối." Ông Nathanaen hỏi Người: "Làm sao Ngài lại biết tôi? " Đức Giêsu trả lời: "Trước khi Philípphê gọi anh, lúc anh đang ở dưới cây vả, tôi đã thấy anh rồi." Ông Nathanaen nói: "Thưa Thầy, chính Thầy là Con Thiên Chúa, chính Thầy là Vua Ítraen! " (Ga 1,47-49)

The Quality of Life
Death is a passage to new life. That sounds very beautiful, but few of us desire to make this passage. It might be helpful to realise that our final passage is preceded by many earlier passages. When we are born we make a passage from life in the womb to life in the family. When we go to school we make a passage from life in the family to life in the larger community. When we get married we make a passage from a life with many options to a life committed to one person. When we retire we make a passage from a life of clearly defined work to a life asking for new creativity and wisdom.
Each of these passages is a death leading to new life. When we live these passages well, we are becoming more prepared for our final passage.
It is very hard to accept an early death. When friends die who are seventy, eighty, or ninety years old, we may be in deep grief and miss them very much, but we are grateful that they had long lives. But when a teenager, a young adult, or a person at the height of his or her career dies, we feel a protest rising from our hearts: "Why? Why so soon? Why so young? It is unfair."
But far more important than our quantity of years is the quality of our lives. Jesus died young. St. Francis died young. St. Thérèse of Lisieux died young, Martin Luther King, Jr., died young. We do not know how long we will live, but this not knowing calls us to live every day, every week, every year of our lives to its fullest potential. (Nouwen)

Bắt bầu Kiên
Ngày 21-8, một lãnh đạo Tổng cục Cảnh sát phòng chống tội phạm (Bộ Công an) xác nhận với Tuổi Trẻ Cơ quan CS điều tra đã bắt giữ ông Nguyễn Đức Kiên (bầu Kiên, ngõ 27 Xuân Diệu, Q.Tây Hồ, Hà Nội).(Tuổi Trẻ)

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