Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 11, 2012

Tăm tối

Đức Giêsu dừng lại, truyền dẫn anh ta đến. Khi anh đã đến gần, Người hỏi: "Anh muốn tôi làm gì cho anh? " Anh ta đáp: "Lạy Ngài, xin cho tôi nhìn thấy được." (Lc 18,40-41)

Đời lắm lúc rơi vào tắm tối. Mong chút ánh sáng của ánh mắt yêu thương, nụ cười khích lệ, lời nói cảm thông. Như Giê su. Và cùng với Giê su. Cho anh em tôi.

Acting in the Name of Jesus 
Ministry is acting in the Name of Jesus. When all our actions are in the Name, they will bear fruit for eternal life. To act in the Name of Jesus, however, doesn't mean to act as a representative of Jesus or his spokesperson. It means to act in an intimate communion with him. The Name is like a house, a tent, a dwelling. To act in the Name of Jesus, therefore, means to act from the place where we are united with Jesus in love. To the question "Where are you?" we should be able to answer, "I am in the Name." Then, whatever we do cannot be other than ministry because it will always be Jesus himself who acts in and through us. The final question for all who minister is "Are you in the Name of Jesus?"" When we can say yes to that, all of our lives will be ministry. (Nouwen G)

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