Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 2, 2013


Ra khỏi thuyền, Ðức Giêsu thấy một đám người rất đông thì chạnh lòng thương, vì họ như bầy chiên không người chăn dắt. Và Người bắt đầu dạy dỗ họ nhiều điều. (Mc 6,34)

Care, the Source of All Cure
Care is something other than cure.
Cure means "change." A doctor, a lawyer, a minister, a social worker-they all want to use their professional skills to bring about changes in people's lives. They get paid for whatever kind of cure they can bring about. But cure, desirable as it may be, can easily become violent, manipulative, and even destructive if it does not grow out of care.
Care is being with, crying out with, suffering with, feeling with. Care is compassion. It is claiming the truth that the other person is my brother or sister, human, mortal, vulnerable, like I am.
When care is our first concern, cure can be received as a gift. Often we are not able to cure, but we are always able to care. To care is to be human.

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