Chủ Nhật, 17 tháng 3, 2013

Thành kiến

Chúa Giêsu bảo: "Ta cũng thế, Ta không kết tội chị. Vậy chị hãy đi, và từ nay đừng phạm tội nữa".(Lc 8,11)

Không kết tội, không xét đoán, không thành kiến là điều không dễ. Nhưng cần phải được như thế để nên giống Chúa.

Towards a Nonjudgmental life

One of the hardest spiritual tasks is to live without prejudices.
Sometimes we aren't even aware how deeply rooted our prejudices are.
We may think that we relate to people who are different from us
in colour, religion, sexual orientation, or lifestyle as equals,
but in concrete circumstances
our spontaneous thoughts, uncensored words, and knee-jerk reactions often reveal
that our prejudices are still there.

Strangers, people different than we are, stir up fear, discomfort, suspicion, and hostility.
They make us lose our sense of security just by being "other."
Only when we fully claim that God loves us in an unconditional way
and look at "those other persons" as equally loved
can we begin to discover
that the great variety in being human is an expression of the immense richness of God's heart.
Then the need to prejudge people can gradually disappear.
(Nouwen Meditation)

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