Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 3, 2013


Chúa Giêsu ngoảnh mặt lại bảo họ rằng: "Hỡi con gái Giêrusalem, đừng khóc thương Ta, hãy khóc thương chính các ngươi và con cái các ngươi. (Lc 23,28)

Sức mạnh ẩn giấu trong những yếu đuối.
Một cộng đồng đích thực là một tình bạn dành cho những người yếu đuối.
Chúa đến để cứu chuộc và ban sức sống mới cho họ.

Not Breaking the Bruised Reeds

Some of us tend to do away with things that are slightly damaged. Instead of repairing them we say: "Well, I don't have time to fix it, I might as well throw it in the garbage can and buy a new one."

Often we also treat people this way. We say: "Well, he has a problem with drinking; well, she is quite depressed; well, they have mismanaged their business...we'd better not take the risk of working with them."

When we dismiss people out of hand because of their apparent woundedness, we stunt their lives by ignoring their gifts, which are often buried in their wounds.

We all are bruised reeds, whether our bruises are visible or not.

The compassionate life is the life in which we believe that strength is hidden in weakness and that true community is a fellowship of the weak. (Nouwen G)

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