Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 5, 2013

Kiên nhẫn & can đảm

"Anh em sẽ lo buồn, nhưng nỗi buồn của anh em sẽ trở thành niềm vui."

Nỗi lo nỗi buồn của những người miệt mài với bổn phận, với sứ mạng, với những sự kiện mà mình tổ chức. Có những cái mình đạt được, có những cái chưa thành tựu.

Đặc biệt trong lãnh vực tông đồ, rất nỗ lực, nhưng con số tín hữu khôn thấy tăng lên. ĐGH chia sẻ: loan báo Tin Mừng không phải là kết nạp vào đạo: 

"Evangelization is not proselytizing. This was the focus of Pope Francis’ remarks to faithful gathered for Mass on Wednesday morning in the Chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae residence in the Vatican. The Pope reiterated that the Christian who wants to proclaim the Gospel must dialogue with everyone, knowing that no one owns the truth, because the truth is received by the encounter with Jesus..."

"When the Church loses this apostolic courage, she becomes a stalled Church, a tidy Church a nice, a Church that is nice to look at, but that is without fertility, because she has lost the courage to go to the outskirts, where there are many people who are victims of idolatry, worldliness of weak thought, [of] so many things. Let us today ask St Paul to give us this apostolic courage, this spiritual fervor, so that we might be confident. ‘But Father,’ [you might say], ‘we might make mistakes…’ ... ‘[Well, what of it,’ I might respond], ‘Get on with you: if you make a mistake, you get up and go forward: that is the way. Those who do not walk in order not to err, make a the more serious mistake."


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