Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 6, 2013

Chạm đến

Doing Love

Often we speak about love as if it is a feeling. But if we wait for a feeling of love before loving, we may never learn to love well. The feeling of love is beautiful and life-giving, but our loving cannot be based in that feeling. To love is to think, speak, and act according to the spiritual knowledge that we are infinitely loved by God and called to make that love visible in this world.

Mostly we know what the loving thing to do is. When we "do" love, even if others are not able to respond with love, we will discover that our feelings catch up with our acts. (Nouwen M)

Có một người cùi đến lạy Người mà thưa rằng: "Lạy Ngài, nếu Ngài muốn, Ngài có thể chữa tôi được sạch" Chúa Giêsu giơ tay ra chạm đến anh ta và phán: "Ta muốn". (Mt 8,2-3)

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