Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 6, 2013

Máu Thịt

“Chúa Giêsu cầm lấy bánh… và nói: Đây là Mình Thầy…
Người cầm lấy chén rượu và nói: Chén này là Giáo ước mới, lập bằng Máu Thầy”

The presence of Jesus among us
and in the gifts of bread and wine
are the same presence.

As we recognise Jesus in the breaking of the bread,
we recognise him also in our brothers and sisters.

As we give one another the bread,
saying: "This is the Body of Christ,"
we give ourselves to each other saying:
"We are the Body of Christ."

It is one and the same giving,
it is one and the same body,
it is one and the same Christ.
(Nouwen M)

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