Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 4, 2013


Chiên Tôi thì nghe tiếng Tôi, Tôi biết chúng và chúng theo Tôi. Tôi cho chúng được sống đời đời, chúng sẽ không bao giờ hư mất, và không ai có thể cướp được chúng khỏi tay Tôi. (Ga 10,27-28)

ĐTC Phanxicô nói với các ứng viên linh mục vào ngày 21-4-2013 tại Vương cung thánh đường Thánh Phêrô:

...It is true that God has made his entire holy people a royal priesthood in Christ.
Nevertheless, our great Priest himself, Jesus Christ, chose certain disciples to carry out publicly in his name, and on behalf of mankind, a priestly office in the Church.
For Christ was sent by the Father and he in turn sent the Apostles into the world, so that through them and their successors, the Bishops, he might continue to exercise his office of Teacher, Priest, and Shepherd.
Indeed, priests are established co-workers of the Order of Bishops, with whom they are joined in the priestly office and with whom they are called to the service of the people of God.

...Now, my dear brothers and sons, you are to be raised to the Order of the Priesthood. For your part you will exercise the sacred duty of teaching in the name of Christ the Teacher. Impart to everyone the word of God which you have received with joy. Remember your mothers, your grandmothers, your catechists, who gave you the word of God, the faith ... the gift of faith! They transmitted to you this gift of faith. ...Remember too that the word of God is not your property: it is the word of God. And the Church is the custodian of the word of God.

In this way, let what you teach be nourishment for the people of God. Let the holiness of your lives be a delightful fragrance to Christ’s faithful, so that by word and example you may build up the house which is God’s Church.

Likewise you will exercise in Christ the office of sanctifying. For by your ministry the spiritual sacrifice of the faithful will be made perfect, being united to the sacrifice of Christ, which will be offered through your hands in an unbloody way on the altar, in union with the faithful, in the celebration of the sacraments...

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