Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 10, 2012


Ngay đến tóc trên đầu anh em cũng được đếm cả rồi. Anh em đừng sợ, anh em còn quý giá hơn muôn vàn chim sẻ. (Lc 12,7)

Vỡ bờ bao, hàng trăm hộ dân ngập nặng TTO - Khoảng 5g ngày 18-10, bờ bao của rạch Cầu Ông Ngữ đoạn ở đường Bình Thới, P.28, Q.Bình Thạnh, TP.HCM bị vỡ khiến hàng trăm hộ dân sống ở khu vực này chìm trong nước.
Ghi nhận tại hiện trường, chúng tôi thấy bờ bao bị vỡ một đoạn khoảng 2m, đồng thời bức tường xây bằng gạch chắn quanh khu vực trên cũng bị sụp đổ một đoạn gần 6m. Nhiều nhà dân nước vẫn ngập tới thắt lưng, đồ đạc trong nhà nổi lềnh bềnh.

Taking the Sting Out of Death
Dying is returning home. But even though we have been told this many times by many people, we seldom desire to return home. We prefer to stay where we are. We know what we have; we do not know what we will get. Even the most appealing images of the afterlife cannot take away the fear of dying. We cling to life, even when our relationships are difficult, our economic circumstances harsh, and our health quite poor.
Still, Jesus came to take the sting out of death and to help us gradually realise that we don't have to be afraid of death, since death leads us to the place where the deepest desires of our hearts will be satisfied. It is not easy for us to truly believe that, but every little gesture of trust will bring us closer to this truth. (Nouwen G)

Trusting in the Fruits
We belong to a generation that wants to see the results of our work. We want to be productive and see with our own eyes what we have made. But that is not the way of God's Kingdom. Often our witness for God does not lead to tangible results. Jesus himself died as a failure on a cross. There was no success there to be proud of. Still, the fruitfulness of Jesus' life is beyond any human measure. As faithful witnesses of Jesus we have to trust that our lives too will be fruitful, even though we cannot see their fruit. The fruit of our lives may be visible only to those who live after us.
What is important is how well we love. God will make our love fruitful, whether we see that fruitfulness or not.(Nouwen G)

Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 10, 2012

Can đảm

Anh em hãy ra đi. Này Thầy sai anh em đi như chiên con đi vào giữa bầy sói (Lc 10,3)

A Courageous Life
"Have courage," we often say to one another. Courage is a spiritual virtue. The word courage comes from the Latin word cor, which means "heart. A courageous act is an act coming from the heart. A courageous word is a word arising from the heart. The heart, however, is not just the place where our emotions are located. The heart is the centre of our being, the centre of all thoughts, feelings, passions, and decisions.
When the flesh - the lived human experience - becomes word, community can develop. When we say, "Let me tell you what we saw. Come and listen to what we did. Sit down and let me explain to you what happened to us. Wait until you hear whom we met," we call people together and make our lives into lives for others. The word brings us together and calls us into community. When the flesh becomes word, our bodies become part of a body of people.

Spiritual Courage
Courage is connected with taking risks. Jumping the Grand Canyon on a motorbike, coming over Niagara Falls in a barrel, or crossing the ocean in a rowboat are called courageous acts because people risk their lives by doing these things. But none of these daredevil acts comes from the centre of our being. They all come from the desire to test our physical limits and to become famous and popular.
Spiritual courage is something completely different. It is following the deepest desires of our hearts at the risk of losing fame and popularity. It asks of us the willingness to lose our temporal lives in order to gain eternal life.

Downward Mobility
The society in which we live suggests in countless ways that the way to go is up. Making it to the top, entering the limelight, breaking the record - that's what draws attention, gets us on the front page of the newspaper, and offers us the rewards of money and fame.
The way of Jesus is radically different. It is the way not of upward mobility but of downward mobility. It is going to the bottom, staying behind the sets, and choosing the last place! Why is the way of Jesus worth choosing? Because it is the way to the Kingdom, the way Jesus took, and the way that brings everlasting life.
(Nouwen G)

Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 10, 2012

Nô lệ

Khốn cho các người, hỡi các người Pharisêu! Các người nộp thuế thập phân về bạc hà, vân hương, và đủ thứ rau cỏ, mà xao lãng lẽ công bình và lòng yêu mến Thiên Chúa. Các điều này phải làm, mà các điều kia cũng không được bỏ. (Lc 11,42)

Called out of Slavery 
 The Church is the people of God. The Latin word for "church," ecclesia, comes from the Greek ek, which means "out," and kaleo, which means "to call." The Church is the people of God called out of slavery to freedom, sin to salvation, despair to hope, darkness to light, an existence centered on death to an existence focused on life. When we think of Church we have to think of a body of people, travelling together. We have to envision women, men, and children of all ages, races, and societies supporting one another on their long and often tiresome journeys to their final home.(Nouwen G)

Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 10, 2012


Tốt hơn, hãy bố thí những gì ở bên trong, thì bấy giờ mọi sự sẽ trở nên trong sạch (Lc 11, 41)

Sharing the Abundant Love
Why must we go out to the far ends of the world to preach the Gospel of Jesus when people do not have to know Jesus in order to enter the house of God? We must go out because we want to share with all people the abundant love and hope, joy and peace that Jesus brought to us. We want to "proclaim the unfathomable treasure of Christ" and "throw light on the inner workings of the mystery kept hidden through all ages in God, the creator of everything" (Ephesians 3:8-9).
What we have received is so beautiful and so rich that we cannot hold it for ourselves but feel compelled to bring it to every human being on earth. (Nouwen G.)

Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2012

Dấu lạ

Quả thật, ông Giôna đã là một dấu lạ cho dân thành Ninivê thế nào, thì Con Người cũng sẽ là một dấu lạ cho thế hệ này như vậy. (Lc 11,30)

Being Living Signs of Love
Jesus' whole life was a witness to his Father's love, and Jesus calls his followers to carry on that witness in his Name. We, as followers of Jesus, are sent into this world to be visible signs of God's unconditional love. Thus we are not first of all judged by what we say but by what we live. When people say of us: "See how they love one another," they catch a glimpse of the Kingdom of God that Jesus announced and are drawn to it as by a magnet.
In a world so torn apart by rivalry, anger, and hatred, we have the privileged vocation to be living signs of a love that can bridge all divisions and heal all wounds. (Nouwen G)

Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2012


“Hãy đi bán những gì anh có mà cho người nghèo, anh sẽ được một kho tàng trên trời. Rồi hãy đến theo tôi” (Mc 10,21b)

Burning With Love
Often we are preoccupied with the question "How can we be witnesses in the Name of Jesus? What are we supposed to say or do to make people accept the love that God offers them?" These questions are expressions more of our fear than of our love. Jesus shows us the way of being witnesses. He was so full of God's love, so connected with God's will, so burning with zeal for God's Kingdom, that he couldn't do other than witness. Wherever he went and whomever he met, a power went out from him that healed everyone who touched him. (See Luke 6:19.)
If we want to be witnesses like Jesus, our only concern should be to be as alive with the love of God as Jesus was.

Being Unconditional Witnesses
Good news becomes bad news when it is announced without peace and joy. Anyone who proclaims the forgiving and healing love of Jesus with a bitter heart is a false witness. Jesus is the savior of the world. We are not. We are called to witness, always with our lives and sometimes with our words, to the great things God has done for us. But this witness must come from a heart that is willing to give without getting anything in return.
The more we trust in God's unconditional love for us, the more able we will be to proclaim the love of Jesus without any inner or outer conditions.
(Nouwen G)