Bình an cho các con! Như Cha đã sai Thầy, Thầy cũng sai các con". Nói thế rồi, Người thổi hơi và phán bảo các ông: "Các con hãy nhận lấy Thánh Thần. (Ga 20,21-22)
Nhận lấy Thánh Thần để được biến đổi ngay cả thân xác của mình. Thân xác được dần dần thần linh hóa như thân xác của Chúa Giêsu phục sinh. Một thân xác biết ứng xử như chính Chúa phục sinh. Một thân xác biết rao giảng theo lệnh Chúa phục sinh.
Spiritual Bodies
In the resurrection we will have spiritual bodies. Our natural bodies came from Adam, our spiritual bodies come from Christ. Christ is the second Adam, offering us new bodies not subject to destruction. As Paul says: "as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man [Adam], so we shall bear the likeness of the heavenly one [Christ]" (I Corinthians 15:49).
Our spiritual bodies are Christ-like bodies. Jesus came to share with us the life in our mortal bodies so that we would also be able to share in his spiritual body. "Mere human nature," Paul says, "cannot inherit the kingdom of God" (I Corinthians 15:50). Jesus came to dress our perishable nature with imperishability and our mortal nature with immortality (see I Corinthians 15:53). Thus it is in the body that our spiritual life finds its fullest manifestation.
(Nouwen M)
Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 5, 2013
Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 5, 2013
Gió và lửa
When Pentecost day came round, they had all met in one room,
when suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven,
the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting;
and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire;
these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them.
They were all filled with the Holy Spirit,
and began to speak foreign languages
as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech.
(Act 2,1-4)
Gió và lửa,
trưởng thành và sứ vụ,
tất cả tràn ngập trên các tông đồ ngày lễ Ngũ tuần năm đó.
Gió và lửa Thánh Thần tràn ngập trên các ông,
phát huy mọi năng lực
khiến các ông tức khắc hoạt động như những tông đồ thực sự trưởng thành
khôn ngoan và mạnh mẽ thi hành sứ vụ
để trở thành 12 người biến đổi bộ mặt trái đất.
Gió và lửa,
trưởng thành và sứ vụ,
đấy là điều cần thấy nơi mọi tín hữu.
when suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven,
the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting;
and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire;
these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them.
They were all filled with the Holy Spirit,
and began to speak foreign languages
as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech.
(Act 2,1-4)
Gió và lửa,
trưởng thành và sứ vụ,
tất cả tràn ngập trên các tông đồ ngày lễ Ngũ tuần năm đó.
Gió và lửa Thánh Thần tràn ngập trên các ông,
phát huy mọi năng lực
khiến các ông tức khắc hoạt động như những tông đồ thực sự trưởng thành
khôn ngoan và mạnh mẽ thi hành sứ vụ
để trở thành 12 người biến đổi bộ mặt trái đất.
Gió và lửa,
trưởng thành và sứ vụ,
đấy là điều cần thấy nơi mọi tín hữu.
Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 5, 2013
Cảm nhận & ghi nhận
Phêrô đáp: "Thưa Thầy, Thầy biết mọi sự: Thầy biết con yêu mến Thầy" Chúa bảo ông: "Con hãy chăn dắt các chiên mẹ của Thầy." (Ga 21,17)
Mỗi ngày con viết nên đời con bằng mọi sinh hoạt của mình.
Mỗi ngày con ghi lại đời con, như là cảm nhận về những điều kỳ diệu Chúa làm cho con, như một chia sẻ đầy tính chăm sóc và chăn dắt.
Writing to Save the Day
Writing can be a true spiritual discipline. Writing can help us to concentrate, to get in touch with the deeper stirrings of our hearts, to clarify our minds, to process confusing emotions, to reflect on our experiences, to give artistic expression to what we are living, and to store significant events in our memories. Writing can also be good for others who might read what we write.
Quite often a difficult, painful, or frustrating day can be "redeemed" by writing about it. By writing we can claim what we have lived and thus integrate it more fully into our journeys. Then writing can become lifesaving for us and sometimes for others too.
Writing, Opening a Deep Well
Writing is not just jotting down ideas. Often we say: "I don't know what to write. I have no thoughts worth writing down." But much good writing emerges from the process of writing itself. As we simply sit down in front of a sheet of paper and start to express in words what is on our minds or in our hearts, new ideas emerge, ideas that can surprise us and lead us to inner places we hardly knew were there.
One of the most satisfying aspects of writing is that it can open in us deep wells of hidden treasures that are beautiful for us as well as for others to see.
Making Our Lives Available to Others
One of the arguments we often use for not writing is this: "I have nothing original to say. Whatever I might say, someone else has already said it, and better than I will ever be able to." This, however, is not a good argument for not writing. Each human person is unique and original, and nobody has lived what we have lived. Furthermore, what we have lived, we have lived not just for ourselves but for others as well. Writing can be a very creative and invigorating way to make our lives available to ourselves and to others.
We have to trust that our stories deserve to be told. We may discover that the better we tell our stories the better we will want to live them.
(Nouwen M)
Mỗi ngày con viết nên đời con bằng mọi sinh hoạt của mình.
Mỗi ngày con ghi lại đời con, như là cảm nhận về những điều kỳ diệu Chúa làm cho con, như một chia sẻ đầy tính chăm sóc và chăn dắt.
Writing to Save the Day
Writing can be a true spiritual discipline. Writing can help us to concentrate, to get in touch with the deeper stirrings of our hearts, to clarify our minds, to process confusing emotions, to reflect on our experiences, to give artistic expression to what we are living, and to store significant events in our memories. Writing can also be good for others who might read what we write.
Quite often a difficult, painful, or frustrating day can be "redeemed" by writing about it. By writing we can claim what we have lived and thus integrate it more fully into our journeys. Then writing can become lifesaving for us and sometimes for others too.
Writing, Opening a Deep Well
Writing is not just jotting down ideas. Often we say: "I don't know what to write. I have no thoughts worth writing down." But much good writing emerges from the process of writing itself. As we simply sit down in front of a sheet of paper and start to express in words what is on our minds or in our hearts, new ideas emerge, ideas that can surprise us and lead us to inner places we hardly knew were there.
One of the most satisfying aspects of writing is that it can open in us deep wells of hidden treasures that are beautiful for us as well as for others to see.
Making Our Lives Available to Others
One of the arguments we often use for not writing is this: "I have nothing original to say. Whatever I might say, someone else has already said it, and better than I will ever be able to." This, however, is not a good argument for not writing. Each human person is unique and original, and nobody has lived what we have lived. Furthermore, what we have lived, we have lived not just for ourselves but for others as well. Writing can be a very creative and invigorating way to make our lives available to ourselves and to others.
We have to trust that our stories deserve to be told. We may discover that the better we tell our stories the better we will want to live them.
(Nouwen M)
Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 5, 2013
Khoảng trống thánh thiện
Cũng như Cha đã sai Con vào thế gian, thì Con cũng sai chúng vào thế gian. Và vì chúng, Con đã tự thánh hoá, để cả chúng cũng được thánh hoá trong chân lý". (Ga 17,18-19)
Khi được sai vào trần gian, các môn đệ cần phải được thánh hóa. Và vì sự thánh thiện chỉ có được ở nơi Chúa, người môn đệ cần phải trở nên trống rỗng để dành không gian cho sự thánh thiện của Chúa có thể tràn vào.
Sự trống rỗng cần có đây chính là sự quên mình, từ bỏ và khiêm tốn cho đi.
Emptiness and Fullness
Emptiness and fullness at first seem complete opposites. But in the spiritual life they are not. In the spiritual life we find the fulfillment of our deepest desires by becoming empty for God.
We must empty the cups of our lives completely to be able to receive the fullness of life from God. Jesus lived this on the cross. The moment of complete emptiness and complete fullness become the same. When he had given all away to his Abba, his dear Father, he cried out, "It is fulfilled" (John 19:30). He who was lifted up on the cross was also lifted into the resurrection. He who had emptied and humbled himself was raised up and "given the name above all other names" (see Philippians 2:7-9). Let us keep listening to Jesus' question: "Can you drink the cup that I am going to drink?" (Matthew 20:22). (Nouwen M)
Life as a gift
The greatest love: to one's own life. Love always takes this route: to give one's life. To live life as a gift, a gift to be given — not a treasure to be stored away. And Jesus lived it in this manner, as a gift. And if one lives life as a gift, one does what Jesus wanted: 'I appointed you that you should go and bear fruit'”. So, we must not burn life down with egoism.
Khi được sai vào trần gian, các môn đệ cần phải được thánh hóa. Và vì sự thánh thiện chỉ có được ở nơi Chúa, người môn đệ cần phải trở nên trống rỗng để dành không gian cho sự thánh thiện của Chúa có thể tràn vào.
Sự trống rỗng cần có đây chính là sự quên mình, từ bỏ và khiêm tốn cho đi.
Emptiness and Fullness
Emptiness and fullness at first seem complete opposites. But in the spiritual life they are not. In the spiritual life we find the fulfillment of our deepest desires by becoming empty for God.
We must empty the cups of our lives completely to be able to receive the fullness of life from God. Jesus lived this on the cross. The moment of complete emptiness and complete fullness become the same. When he had given all away to his Abba, his dear Father, he cried out, "It is fulfilled" (John 19:30). He who was lifted up on the cross was also lifted into the resurrection. He who had emptied and humbled himself was raised up and "given the name above all other names" (see Philippians 2:7-9). Let us keep listening to Jesus' question: "Can you drink the cup that I am going to drink?" (Matthew 20:22). (Nouwen M)
Life as a gift
The greatest love: to one's own life. Love always takes this route: to give one's life. To live life as a gift, a gift to be given — not a treasure to be stored away. And Jesus lived it in this manner, as a gift. And if one lives life as a gift, one does what Jesus wanted: 'I appointed you that you should go and bear fruit'”. So, we must not burn life down with egoism.
Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 5, 2013
Can đảm
"Giữa thế gian, các con sẽ phải đau khổ, nhưng hãy can đảm lên, Thầy đã thắng thế gian." (Ga 16,33)
Không phải tự con có khả năng chọn mọi sự cho con ở giữa trần gian này,
mà là chính Chúa đã lựa chọn cho con.
Chính Ngài lựa chọn hoàn cảnh sống cho con,
và cho con chào đời thực thi sứ vụ
trong một bối cảnh trần gian như thế.
Con đường thi hành sự vụ đầy gian truân
nhưng can đảm lên, "Thầy đã thắng thế gian."
Being Sent Into the World
Each of us has a mission in life. Jesus prays to his Father for his followers, saying: "As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world" (John 17:18).
We seldom realise fully that we are sent to fulfill God-given tasks. We act as if we have to choose how, where, and with whom to live. We act as if we were simply plopped down in creation and have to decide how to entertain ourselves until we die. But we were sent into the world by God, just as Jesus was. Once we start living our lives with that conviction, we will soon know what we were sent to do.
Fulfilling a Mission
When we live our lives as missions, we become aware that there is a home from where we are sent and to where we have to return. We start thinking about ourselves as people who are in a faraway country to bring a message or work on a project, but only for a certain amount of time. When the message has been delivered and the project is finished, we want to return home to give an account of our mission and to rest from our labours.
One of the most important spiritual disciplines is to develop the knowledge that the years of our lives are years "on a mission." (Nouwen)
Không phải tự con có khả năng chọn mọi sự cho con ở giữa trần gian này,
mà là chính Chúa đã lựa chọn cho con.
Chính Ngài lựa chọn hoàn cảnh sống cho con,
và cho con chào đời thực thi sứ vụ
trong một bối cảnh trần gian như thế.
Con đường thi hành sự vụ đầy gian truân
nhưng can đảm lên, "Thầy đã thắng thế gian."
Being Sent Into the World
Each of us has a mission in life. Jesus prays to his Father for his followers, saying: "As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world" (John 17:18).
We seldom realise fully that we are sent to fulfill God-given tasks. We act as if we have to choose how, where, and with whom to live. We act as if we were simply plopped down in creation and have to decide how to entertain ourselves until we die. But we were sent into the world by God, just as Jesus was. Once we start living our lives with that conviction, we will soon know what we were sent to do.
Fulfilling a Mission
When we live our lives as missions, we become aware that there is a home from where we are sent and to where we have to return. We start thinking about ourselves as people who are in a faraway country to bring a message or work on a project, but only for a certain amount of time. When the message has been delivered and the project is finished, we want to return home to give an account of our mission and to rest from our labours.
One of the most important spiritual disciplines is to develop the knowledge that the years of our lives are years "on a mission." (Nouwen)
Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 5, 2013
Mạng xã hội
Hỏi: Tại sao sứ điệp Ngày Thế giới Truyền thông xã hội 47 nhắc nhở các tín hữu cần có khả năng sử dụng ngôn-ngữ-mới khi sử dụng mạng xã hội?
Đáp: Sứ điệp nhắc nhở các tín hữu cần có khả năng sử dụng ngôn-ngữ-mới khi sử dụng mạng xã hội, không chỉ để theo kịp thời đại, nhưng là để làm cho sự phong phú vô hạn của Tin Mừng có được một hình thức biểu hiện khả dĩ đến được với trí óc và con tim mọi người.
"There has never been a tool, in my belief, that has been more effective at reaching non-Catholics than we have now," said Brandon Vogt, who writes a self-titled blog. "Fulton Sheen would give his right arm for what we have today. The question you should be asking is ... how do you reach those who would never knock on the door of a rectory?"
Đáp: Sứ điệp nhắc nhở các tín hữu cần có khả năng sử dụng ngôn-ngữ-mới khi sử dụng mạng xã hội, không chỉ để theo kịp thời đại, nhưng là để làm cho sự phong phú vô hạn của Tin Mừng có được một hình thức biểu hiện khả dĩ đến được với trí óc và con tim mọi người.
"There has never been a tool, in my belief, that has been more effective at reaching non-Catholics than we have now," said Brandon Vogt, who writes a self-titled blog. "Fulton Sheen would give his right arm for what we have today. The question you should be asking is ... how do you reach those who would never knock on the door of a rectory?"
Catholic bishops get crash course in social media
By Ann Rodgers / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The statistics came from a study released just before the annual Baltimore meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
About 25 bishops arrived early to learn from bloggers and other social media experts how to have a more effective online presence.
The gathering, sponsored by the bishops' communications office, was modeled on a similar session held last year at the Vatican.
"Catholic media, at this point, is very effectively preaching to the choir ... and to the very small percentage that agree with you on almost everything," said panelist Terry Mattingly, religion columnist for the Scripps-Howard news service and co-founder of GetReligion.org, which analyzes religion coverage in secular media.
But if a bishop is trying to engage in evangelization without a sophisticated social media outreach, he said, "you have a promising future in ministry to the Amish."
The study from the bishops' research agency, the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University, showed that 62 percent of Catholic adults, including 37 percent of those 70 and older, have a profile on Facebook. Two-thirds of Catholic adults, including 84 percent of those 30 and younger, visit YouTube. Yet just 5 percent of Catholic adults with Internet access follow blogs related to the Catholic faith, though that number rises to 13 percent who attend Mass weekly. Despite a vigorous Vatican website and countless official and unofficial Catholic sites, 53 percent of more than 1,000 self-identified Catholics surveyed weren't aware of a significant Catholic presence on the Internet.
"Parish bulletins are the most widely used Catholic media," said Mark Gray, director of Catholic polls at the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate.
During a give-and-take dialogue with bloggers, bishops expressed hope and fear about the possibilities of personal engagement in social media.
"I'm afraid of making a fool of myself," said Archbishop Roger Schwietz of Anchorage, Alaska. "This is personality driven. What I'm used to is to focus on the message and stay out of the way."
Bishop John Gaydos of Jefferson City, Mo., compared the digital age to the era that saw the birth of Christianity. "It spread like wildfire. You had the system of Roman roads ... and the spiritual hunger of people who would go after any new mysticism," he said.
Panelist Mary DeTurris Poust, who has spent a 30-year career in Catholic media, said Google searches for "Catholic" and related words are declining while searches for "spiritual" and its variants are rising.
"That should send up a warning flare," said Ms. Poust, who blogs at "Not Strictly Spiritual." "It reflects a virtual version of what we are seeing in [bricks-and-mortar] searches. People are searching, but they are not searching for us. ... How do we reach Catholic adults who are disconnected from the church but are desperately seeking a spiritual connection?"
She was among numerous speakers who told the bishops that their blogs and tweets must be personal and must relate to topics in secular conversation, such as movies or questions that arise in the wake of a tragedy. After Superstorm Sandy, she said, some New York dioceses used Facebook and Twitter to direct people to sources of shelter, food and water.
"That was in true gospel fashion," she said. "In previous generations, that is a conversation that would have happened in the back of a church after a novena. ... Today, Facebook is in many ways the new parish hall."
The second most popular new media site for Catholics after Facebook is YouTube, but they use it for the same reason others do: amusement. "Even pre-Vatican II Catholics are interested in funny cat videos," Mr. Gray said, citing the need for Catholic social media that's entertaining enough to go viral.
Several bloggers mentioned a Chicago priest, the Rev. Robert Barron, as someone with an effective YouTube outreach to nonbelievers. He offers video commentaries on hot topics in popular culture.
Mr. Mattingly said YouTube makes an excellent companion to more traditional outreach efforts. No matter what else the church does, he said, "nothing whatsoever can replace Cardinal [Timothy] Dolan on Comedy Central."
The two most common reasons that Catholics cite for avoiding Catholic sites are concern that they may not represent authentic Catholic teaching and a general tone of incivility.
The notion of getting into angry exchanges discourages bishops from having an online presence.
Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Ky., said he spends one day each month at a Trappist monastery "to become more serene."
"I don't want to unravel that in a day and a half" by reading angry responses to his blog posts, he said.
Several bloggers specifically mentioned problems with racist posts from professing Catholics. Rocco Palmo, whose "Whispers In the Loggia" blog on church leadership is nearing 25 million site visits, pointed out that 60 percent of Catholics under 30 in the United States are Hispanic, but the Catholic blogosphere doesn't reflect that.
When he writes an annual post in Spanish for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, "I never get more angry, vitriolic hate mail," he said.
He advised bishops to directly address bigotry online.
"We have a major problem when people in our church think they can get away with that and be in communion with the Catholic Church," he said.
Some bloggers cited the angry comments they get from atheists, agnostics and Protestants as proof that non-Catholics are visiting Catholic social media. Some said they had been able to initiate conversations with such readers, who were exploring or returning to the church.
"There has never been a tool, in my belief, that has been more effective at reaching non-Catholics than we have now," said Brandon Vogt, who writes a self-titled blog. "Fulton Sheen would give his right arm for what we have today. The question you should be asking is ... how do you reach those who would never knock on the door of a rectory?" ###
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